Where you can find some of the rarest of the rare in movie scores etc. You may find out of print soundtracks from yesteryear or find songs/themes/soundtracks that have never seen the light of day outside of the film.
All downloads here are for preview purposes only. If you download something you like then purchase the CD or Vinyl if you can. However, everything for download featured within this blog, to the best of my knowledge, is either out of print or has never been made available.
I do say...
Let me know you've stopped by and if you've enjoyed your stay. Knowing that people have frequented keeps me energized to bring more to the Junkyard!
And Another Thing...
There are times where I'll find a compilation or bootleg that I do not know the original source. I always try to give credit where it's due but sometimes it's impossible for me to know just where it originated. If you are a blogger or someone who happens to have made a particular bootleg or compilation and you find it listed here let me know and I will give you full credit...
I've been on a Cronenberg kick lately. The Brood is one of my all time favorite flicks and probably my personal fave Cronenberg movie even though I love everything that I've seen of his. He's actually my favorite director of all time as well. I love his ideas and the blur between reality and hallucination.
His movies are almost always accompanied by Howard Shore. He always provides just the right sound without being overly in your face or too subtle.
Here is a rare compilation featuring a suite from The Brood. It's the only way I've been able to obtain ANY music from this film.
Also featured is the score to Scanners, which is probably the closest you'll get to a flamboyent Shore/Cronenberg score. Pretty rowdy electronic stuff going on here at times.
The Dead Ringers score is much more in line with The Brood and other Shore/Cronenberg scores. Very moody orchestral stuff.
TRACK LISTING: Scanners 01. Main Title 02. Vale Captured 03. Ephemerol 04. The Ripe Program 05. The Injection 06. Dirge For The Assassins 07. Vale's Lonely Walk 08. The Dart 09. Scanner Duel The Brood 10. The Shape Of Rage (A Suite For 21 Strings) Dead Ringers 11. Main Title 12. Bondage 13. Twins 14. Growing Awareness 15. Dependence 16. Helpless 17. The Operating Room 18. In Delirium 19. Birthday Party 20. Suicide 21. Finale
Though a small number (this blog is still pretty new) 23 people preferred Megaupload and only 8 preferred Rapidshare.
Case in fact... when it comes to downloading quickly, ANY file sharing site is better than Rapidshare.
Over the past couple of months my disliking for Rapidshare only grew. Practically every file from Rapidshare I attempt to download now it tells me I have to become a Premium member to download that file! It doesn't even tell me to wait for ten minutes anymore. This is very frustrating.
I guess I should just fork out the cash for a Premium account (only because some bloggers won't start using something else) but in all honesty, a lot of these files I can find through some of my favorite file sharing programs. Thankfully some soundtrack blogs are providing links to a couple or multiple file sharing sites. At least this gives us an option.
This isn't to say Megaupload is the best of the best... far from it. Uploading stuff to the site has become something frustrating so I most likely will be using a different site. However, when it comes to downloading from Megaupload, I've never had a problem.
Until I decided to buy a Rapidshare Premium account (which ain't likely) I will most likely not frequent the blogs that use it anymore. It's just a time waster to me. A real shame too because a few of my favorite blogs use it.
Rapidshare is a piece of junk so dirty even the Junkyard won't embrace it.
Sorry for the delay people. It's been awhile and I said there would be lots in store for Halloween. I have some catching up to do. However, I've been terribly busy with my own music career and various other things.
When I bought the Escape From New York soundtrack years ago it was the expanded version and it quickly became one of my all time favorite scores to listen to. Then I watcedh the movie again and noticed a significant difference between the instrumentation of certain cues on the Expanded Release and the film. Especially the Main Titles.
After doing some research I found that the way out of print original release contained the versions as they appeared in the film. Thankfully for me I remembered a used CD store I had been in the week before had a copy of the original Varese Release.
Needless to say I snagged that baby.
The Expanded release is fantastic as it's remastered and features some great tracks not available on the original release but the original release features some stuff not available on the Expanded.
Pros and Cons to both. That's why yet again, it's nice to have both versions.
Original Varese Release:
01. Main Title 02. Up The Wall/Airforce No.1 03. Orientation No.2 04. Engulfed Cathedral - Composed by Claude Debussy 05. Back To The Pod/The Crazies Come Out 06. Arrival At The Library 07. Everyone's Coming To New York 08. The Dukes Arrives/The Barricade 09. Police State/Romero And The President 10. The President At The Train 11. The President Is Gone 12. Chase Accross The 69th Street Bridge 13. Over The Wall
Expanded Release:
01. Main Title 02. The Bank Robbery * 03. "Prison Introduction" - Dialogue 04. Over the Wall/Airforce One 05. He's Still Alive/Romero * 06. "'Snake' Plissken" - Dialogue 07. Orientation 08. "Tell Him" - Dialogue 09. Engulfed Cathedral 10. Across the Roof * 11. Descent Into New York * 12. Back to the Pod - Version 1 * 13. Everyone's Coming to New York 14. "Don't Go Down There!" - Dialogue 15. Back to the Pod - Version 2 / The Crazies Come Out 16. "I Heard You Were Dead!" - Dialogue 17. Arrival at the Library 18. "You Are the Duke of New York" - Dialogue 19. The Duke Arrives/Barricade 20. President at the Train 21. "Who Are You?" - Dialogue 22. Police Action 23. Romero and the President 24. The President is Gone 25. 69th Street Bridge 26. Over the Wall 27. "The Name is Plissken" - Dialogue 28. Snake Shake - End Credits *
Here is another nice double whammy for the Halloween Season.
The bootleg provided here features every cue of music in the film... even all the radio broadcast music. All of the stuff that you missed on the Varese and Silva Screen Editions are HERE. This is good stuff!
The official release by Silva Screen was an expanded version of the Varese release. I have provided this as well. The mastering work is nice and these tracks are a lot more straightforward of course than the bootleg which had a lot of cutoffs here and there due to the editing of the film from which it was taken straight from. Of course at the same time a lot of music is missing even on this expanded release which you will find on the bootleg. Pros and Cons to both versions. That's why you NEED both.
With both you are set with one of John Carpenter's finest entries in film scoring. The Fog was Carpenter at his prime.
Track Listing For Bootleg: 01. Opening (04:17) 02. Source Cue (00:08) 03. The Journal Of Father Malone (01:56) 04. Source Cue (00:08) 05. Source Cue (02:48) 06. Source Cue (00:58) 07. Terror On The Trawler (04:11) 08. Source Cue - Night Visitor (04:20) 09. Andy's Discovery (01:03) 10. Drive To The Light House (01:09) 11. Source Cue (00:28) 12. Visiting Malone (01:12) 13. Aboard The Seagrass Part 1 (00:50) 14. Aboard The Seagrass Part 2 (01:04) 15. Aboard The Seagrass Part 3 (02:34) 16. Nick's Story (00:51) 17. Kab Promos (00:54) 18. Six Must Die (00:59) 19. Source Cue (00:39) 20. Not Quite Dead (00:56) 21. Nightfall (01:33) 22. Source Cue (01:08) 23. Source Cue (01:52) 24. The Fog Rolls In (01:59) 25. Source Cue - Don't Open The Door (03:07) 26. Disconnected (01:21) 27. Power Cut (02:37) 28. Number Five (02:45) 29. Andy In Jeopardy - Fog Moves (00:50) 30. Escape (05:38) 31. Nowhere To Run (01:17) 32. Cross Of Gold (03:07) 33. As Suddenly As It Appeared... (02:38) 34. The Last One (00:21) 35. End Credits (03:01)
Track Listing For Official Expanded Release: 01. Prologue Narrated By John Houseman (02:37) 02. Theme From The Fog (05:09) 03. Matthew Ghost Story (02:50) 04. Walk To The Lighthouse (02:41) 05. Rocks At Drake's Bay (02:26) 06. The Fog (03:16) 07. Antonio Bay (04:28) 08. Tommy Tells Of Ghost Ships (02:16) 09. Reel 9 (10:59) 10. Main Theme Reprise (01:49) 11. The Fog Rolls In (02:50) 12. Blake In The Sanctuary (07:46) 13. Finale (01:21) 14. Radio Interview With Jamie Lee Curtis About The Fog (06:11)
I have a special double take on the same film here.
First up is the 27 Track Bootleg. It contains every single cue in the film (at least from what I can tell). Down to the ice cream truck music. Seriously. It doesn't get more complete than that. The sound quality I feel is pretty damn good. Some cues drop off and come back in but this is probably due to the editing of the film what with having to lower the music over dialog etc. This version is around 33 minutes long.
Years later I come across an official French release for the film that contains 16 tracks and is around 25 minutes long. Sound quality is better of course and contains all of the memorable stuff.
Even the complete bootleg is only complete by 8 minutes and in all honesty it can get pretty repetitive if you aren't an asshole completist like me.
Track Listing For The Bootleg:
01. Main Title (02:56) 02. Blood Oath (01:55) 03. Boarding the Bus (00:51) 04. Street Thunder (01:23) 05. Precinct 9 Division 13 (01:01) 06. Targets (02:07) 07. Ice Cream Man on Edge (01:34) 08. Wrong Flavor (01:01) 09. Discovery (01:04) 10. Emergency Stopover (00:57) 11. Lawson's Revenge (01:02) 12. Sanctuary (01:02) 13. The Siege (00:27) 14. Calm (00:54) 15. Marked for Something (01:50) 16. Second Wave Part 1 (00:23) 17. Second Wave Part 2 (00:27) 18. Second Wave Part 3 (00:29) 19. The Windows (01:59) 20. Julie (01:50) 21. Potatoes (00:27) 22. Alone (00:32) 23. Wells' Fight (01:42) 24. To the Basement (01:04) 25. Last Stand (00:27) 26. Walking Out (01:00) 27. End Credits (01:58)
Track Listing Official Release:
01. Assault On Precinct 13 (Main Title) 02. Napoleon Wilson 03. Street Thunder 04. Precinct 9 - Division 13 05. Targets/Ice Cream Man On Edge 06. Wrong Flavour 07. Emergy Stop 08. Lawson's Revenge 09. Sanctuary? 10. Second Wave 11. The Windows! 12. Julie 13. Well's Flight 14. To The Basement 15. Walking Out 16. Assault On Precinct 13
Just watched this flick today for the first time andI think it may be my favorite sequel. It has a little bit more of the flavor the original had. A lot of scenes where you don't know whether it's a dream or not (maybe the entire series is one big bad dream).
A very ambiguous ending by the way, if you haven't seen it, but this just added to the reasons why I liked it. Oh yeah, and the sphere boobs scene. Classic.
I don't think there is anything available as far as Phantasm III goes. From what I have found out, III just used the score from II and there were a couple of scenes with original material.
The score for IV was an original score written by Christopher L. Stone. It has it's moments. Nothing like Fred Myrow's classic original and almost on par with all the sequels scores. It's something you'll like if you're a fan. And it doesn't make for bad spooky background music at all.
I haven't listened to every single track yet but it sounds like a very decent quality bootleg from what I have heard. The music for the second film works well, though perhaps the first score was special for it's more funk-ti-fied take on some things. It was a lot more spooky than this score.
But this is nice to have if you're a fan of the film. I really like the new version of the main theme. Unless you're a completeist like me, you'll probably be satisfied with the bonus tracks on the original Phantasm soundtrack. But I for one am never satisfied. ;-)
This is a piece of horror movie history. Not only one of my favorite horror films but one of my all time favorite pieces of cinema. It was more than just a good midnight movie. It was original, weird, surreal, and fantastic. Not one second goes by that isn't drenched in mood and atmosphere.
I have only recently seen some of the sequels, and while I enjoy them for being faithful honest to God enjoyable companion pieces, not a one compares to what this original has going for it. It's just something that can't be recaptured. You can tell the filmmakers were experimenting with some new weird ideas here and it shows in the delivery.
The music, again, was a product of it's time. It's brilliant and works fantastic in the film and as a (very) spooky stand alone listen.
This version I present to you is the larger 23 track edition put out by Silva Screen. It contains some music from Phantasm II.
Track Listing: 01. Intro and Main Title (From Phantasm) 02. Welcome to Morningside / Hand in the Box (From Phantasm) 03. Hearse Inferno (From Phantasm) 04. Phantasmagoria / Silver Sphere Disco (From Phantasm) 05. Tender Interlude (From Phantasm) 06. Cemetary Spectres (From Phantasm) 07. Spacegate to Infinity / Jody at Morningside / On the Move (From Phantasm) 08. Phantasm Atmosphere (From Phantasm) 09. The Tall Man on Main Street (From Phantasm) 10. Funeral Organ / Dwarf in Hearse (From Phantasm) 11. Under the Car (From Phantasm) 12. Mike on the Road (From Phantasm) 13. Hearse Chase (From Phantasm) 14. A Dwarf Named Buford (From Phantasm) 15. Overturned Ice-cream Truck (From Phantasm) 16. Mineshaft Chase (From Phantasm) 17. "Just a Dream?" (From Phantasm) 18. End of the Game (Or Is It?) (From Phantasm) 19. Prologue / The Big Dwarf Fight (From Phantasm II) 20. Blow Out / Aftermath / Creeping Around (From Phantasm II) 21. A Thoughful Moment / Confrontation (From Phantasm II) 22. Foul Ball / Final Battle / Finale / Blow Out (From Phantasm II) 23. Phantasm II - End Theme (From Phantasm II)
Here is a nice score to have for the coming Halloween season. It's John Morris' score to the Gene Wilder directed "Haunted Honeymoon". Personally, I always felt it was an underrated comedy. The score is fantastic and memorable. This seems to have most every cue except for the part where Gilda Radner and Dom Deluise sing and there is a scary instrumental segment. The actual song is featured in the end credits which is on this bootleg but it would be nice to have the version that plays in the middle of the film.
Other than that, I couldn't ask for more. Except for maybe an official release which I'm pretty sure we won't see for a long long time.
Fun Fact: Gene Wilder and I share the same birthday of June 11th.
I found out tonight when I got home that one of my childhood favorite actors had died. Henry Gibson. The co-star of many of my childhood favorite's like The 'Burbs and The Blues Brothers. He was always a co-star but always had an impact on the films he was featured in. He was always such a seemingly eccentric person. Unique in every way. Somehow this stood out for me as a kid and I became an everlasting fan. It's really hard for me to believe he is dead.
I bring you a very hard to find soundtrack here. It is the soundtrack for 'Charlotte's Web' in which Henry Gibson voiced Wilbur the Pig. This was only available on vinyl. A great soundtrack especially for anyone who grew up with the film like I did. I encourage you to listen to the track 'Deep In The Dark' and reminisce.
Check out some of Henry Gibson's flicks while you're at it.
When you are a child sometimes you can have bizarre heroes in your life and it's sad when you grow older and watch your childhood heroes die.
Track Listing: 1. Main Title (2:02) 2. There Must Be Something More (2:10) 3. I Can Talk (2:13) 4. Chin Up (2:08) 5. Mother Earth And Father Time(2:26) 6. We've Got Lots In Common (2:19) 7. A Veritable Smorgasbord (3:52) 8. Deep In The Dark (3:15) 9. Chin Up March (1:42) 10. Zuckerman's Famous Pig (1:58) 11. Charlotte's Farewell (1:16) 12. End Title (2:10)
I have just started to get into Troma movies. I had seen relatively little in the past but I've managed to watch all of the Toxic Avenger movies in the last week. I actually found the series to be highly enjoyable trash, except for maybe the third one which was lacking a lot of the elements that made the others so memorable.
I'm just getting around to listening to this soundtrack compilation. Sounds like a lot of fun to me. I couldn't find anything else related to the first three Toxic Avenger movies other than this and it's very little. This album also features music from Class of Nuke'em High and Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD.
Track Listing: 1. Troma logo leader (00:14) 2. The Toxic avenger part 2 theme (03:54) 3. Fortress of Amerikkka theme (03:49) 4. Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD song (03:50) 5. Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD suite (12:25) 6. Class of nuke'em high part 2 song (03:21) 7. Class of nuke'em high part 2 suite (09:36) 8. A nymphoid barbarian in dinosaur hell (trailer sound) (02:39) 9. Troma rap (03:42) 10. Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD suite2 (08:45) 11. Class of nuke'em high part 3 song (03:35) 12. Class of nuke'em high part 3 suite (11:08) 13. Girl school screamers (trailer sound) (01:54) 14.-19. Interview Session with Troma co founder Lloyd Kaufman
Just watched this one for the very first time. Not a bad piece of 80's cheese, written by Larry Cohen himself. It's even got Bruce Campbell, Tom Atkins and a cameo by Sam Raimi. Oh yeah, there's a killer cop involved too.
Nice 80's horror score here by Jay Chattaway. All the information that I can really find on this is that it is a Vinyl rip. Never before made officially for CD. From what I've heard of it, it is very good quality.
TRACK LISTING: 1. Main Title 2. A Night In The Park 3. Flashback Montage 4. The Chase 5. Morning Train 6. Face Down 7. Sally's Drive 8. On the Ledge 9. Splash Dance 10. Epilogue
Honestly, this isn't something I ever thought I'd find myself posting. It's just so fucking obscure. Years ago I was on a random myspace made for fans of horror film music and one of the tracks they had up was the main theme for a Japanese gore flick from the 80's called "Evil Dead Trap". Not to be confused with "The Evil Dead". I planned on not listening to it much but I gave it a few seconds listen... low and behold this theme really got me. I downloaded the theme and searched for the soundtrack and found nothing. Not a single clue as to whether there was ever a soundtrack or bootleg at all. Years went by.
The other day I stumbled upon this 12 track score for the film from one of my favorite non-blog sources. The person who had it didn't speak very good english. When I asked he/she about the soundtrack's origin and whether it was a bootleg they just said something to the extent of 'hope you enjoy... i do not no... bootleg probly!"
I haven't seen the film yet but I plan on netflixing it very soon. Surprising since these are the type of movies I pretty much live for!
The film's main theme is what stands out the most (Track 1). Absolutely moody. I was almost dissapointed to find that tracks 7-12 are pretty much just variants on a particular chase theme. But they are still very good and in all honesty there is not even a smidgen of room for me to complain being that this is probably the rarest score I have in possession.
There is no real poster image I have for introduction like with most posts. All I could find was a DVD cover. There's not much on the web about this movie except for reviews and one small fansite.
So here you are... no track listing. Just tracks 1-12. This one's a keeper.
It's been impossible coming up with the scores for 3,4,5 and 7 so here is the last Children of the Corn post for now. This is a really good moody score with an absolutely awesome main title piece. This probably has my favorite opening titles to any Children of the Corn movie.
The film can be a little confusing and hard to follow at times. But honestly, this has always been one of my favorite straight to video COTC titles along with Part IV. It's nice to have Isaac back and there are a lot of scythes and sickles in this one. It's filmed in a sepia tone and they seem to have gone for atmosphere more than anything in this one.
I have included two bonus tracks composed and performed by Faith and The Muse. TRACK LISTING: 1. Main Titles (01:46) 2.Stalked (01:42) 3.The Meeting / Isaac's Legacy (03:07) 4.Head On (01:18) 5.Graveyard Encounter (01:39) 6.Co-Conspirator (01:47) 7.The Ritual (01:20) 8.They Come For Hannah (01:11) 9.Motor Cycle Rave (03:03) 10.Hannah And Gabriel (03:38) 11.A Surprise (01:17) 12.Issac's Attacked / The Demon Reawakens (01:55) 13.Records Room (02:12) 14.Close Encounter (01:32) 15.Isaac Resurrected (01:24) 16.Isaac Has A Son (01:07) 17.It's Me Gabriel (05:14) 18.Gabriel Kills Matt (01:15) 19.Elektrokeach! (03:36) 20.Gabriel Searches For Isaac (01:14) 21.Isaac's Demise (01:41) 22.Gabriel Ressurected (00:34) 23.Epilogue (01:28) 24.Main Alternate Titles (02:05) 25. BONUS TRACK- Cernunnos-Faith And The Muse 26.BONUS TRACK- The Sea Angler- Faith And The Muse
Children of the Corn II happened to have been filmed in a town not too far from where I grew up. Let's just say I remember Liberty/Siler-City as being Rednecks-ville. It's really really small and feels a bit like Nilbog.
The movie itself was a grand mixture of being an ambitious sequel and a terrible teen love story. There's lots of cool violence involving "He Who Walks Behind The Rows" and a terrific nose bleeding scene. But the best scene in pretty much the entire series would have to go to one here involving an old lady in a remote chair being controlled by the children. She's forced out into a road where she is hit by a truck and is sent flying in the air. Absolutely hilarious. You must see it to believe it.
The score by Licht is quite impressive. He uses choir in this score mostly in the way Goldsmith used choir in the Omen movies and less in the creepy childlike way Elias used choir. TRACK LISTING: 01. Main Title (Red Bear's Theme) 02. The Waterfall / Micah's Transformation 03. Love In The Corn 04. Nosebleed 05. On The Porch, At The Table, In The Circle 06. Doc Appleby 07. A Combine And A House 08. Stalking The Newsvan 09. Danny And Lacy Kiss 10. Hallfire Suite 11. Ring Sacrifice / Finale 12. Children Of The Corn (End Credits)
Well here is the first of three rare Children of the Corn scores for you. The first is the best and the classic. The score is effective and very melodic. Considered by many to be amongst the most memorable of horror film scores along with the likes of Halloween and The Omen. I used to consider this one of my top ten horror films. Looking at it nowadays I don't see it as flawless as I once did. However, I don't have it in me to really point out it's flaws. You see, I'm rather fond of amish hats and I'm also a collector of sickles and scythes. Seriously. So this series has a special place in my heart, you understand?
Besides, I wouldn't want "He Who Walks Behind the Rows" to come get me... although I'm certainly of age...
TRACK LISTING: 01. Main Title 02. Barn Run 03. Dream Music 04. Murder 05. The Arrival 06. Chase Theme 07. The Invasion 08. Burning The Cornfield 09. Vicky's Dream 10. Attack Of The Children 11. Fighting Back 12. Deal's Haunting 13. Exploring 14. The Cornfield 15. Isaac Vs. Malakai 16. The Resolution 17. End Titles
Final Destination 2 I consider to be the best entry in this series. It's HUGELY entertaining beyond words. Suspenseful, gorey, and perfectly paced. Perhaps my main problem with the latest entry was that it was a bit too fast paced and didn't make time for anything else. Of course that could be looked at as a good thing since we know the formula so well and we don't need to see different characters trying to figure the same old things out over and over again. But at the same time I feel some of the suspense is sacrificed. Still though, The Final Destination was a fun flick with plenty 'o gore and great deaths, including a classic escalator munching scene. I definitely recommend making a trip to your local theater your first destination!
This is the 15 track promo score for Shirley Walker's score. There's a lot more subtlety and a bit more of a rhythmic thing going on here. It works well. This promo is not to be confused with the Willard/Final Destination 2 promo that's out there.
Unfortunately I can't find anything for Final Destination 3. Shame. Enjoy what you can get! TRACK LISTING:
01. Main Title (02:48) 02. Kimberly's Lake Premonition (02:04) 03. Blow-Out (01:44) 04. Coincidence - Kimberly Remembers Mom (02:27) 05. Killer Kayak (01:11) 06. Nora's Turn - Eugene Freaks (03:41) 07. Kimberly Goes To See Clear (01:52) 08. Kimberly Sees Dr. Kalarjan (00:47) 09. Ba Bye Kat & Mustang (01:20) 10. Dad And Kimberly (00:45) 11. Pigeons (02:39) 12. Eugene's Oxygen (02:55) 13. New Life (01:59) 14. 2 Left (04:21) 15. We Did It (00:40)
So in celebration of The Final Destination, the 4th film (and final film?...ha ) in the franchise having been released this past weekend, I bring you a special treat.
Here is the 31 Track Complete Bootleg score for Shirley Walker's eerie score for the original first film. It's decent quality as I'm sure it was lifted off of the DVD Isolated Score.
I caught this movie on DVD right before the second one went to theaters. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it. Of the mass amounts of teen horror crap coming out back then (and now) this was a standout and in my opinion has still kept a pretty good thing going when it comes to being a series.
01. Main Titles (03:03) 02. A Sudden Gust Of Wind (01:10) 03. Departure Board (00:54) 04. Reflection (00:53) 05. Boarding Flight 180 (00:57) 06. Departure (01:38) 07. Somethings Wrong (00:41) 08. Early Exit (01:00) 09. The Plane Explodes (00:40) 10. I Didn't Cause This (00:23) 11. Going Home (01:55) 12. News-Noise From Outside (01:30) 13. A Leak (03:29) 14. Tod's Death (01:54) 15. Mr - Wagger Confronts Alex (01:22) 16. A Visit With Clear (01:21) 17. Death's Design (02:39) 18. Signs (00:48) 19. The Path Of Destruction (00:58) 20. Miss Lewtons' House (02:16) 21. Lighting The Stove (00:12) 22. Buring Leafs (00:11) 23. Miss Lewtons' Demise (00:27) 24. Looking For Alex (01:17) 25. Why Wait (01:53) 26. Safe House (03:20) 27. Turning Alex In (00:32) 28. Alex's Revelation-The Race Against Death (08:12) 29. Alex's Alive (00:48) 30. Not Over Yet (01:20) 31. End Credits (01:59)
Christopher Young returned for the sequel which was bigger and badder in every way. In other words, EPIC. Young provided an equally epic and bombastic score. Choral work and everything.
Though it has some flaws and plot holes, so did the classical original. Hellbound is my personal favorite of the series.
"Get'em Off Meeeee!"
TRACK LISTING: 01. Hellbound Second Sight Seance 02. Looking through a Woman 03. Something to Think About 04. Skin_Her Alive 05. Stringing the Puppet 06. Hall of Mirrors 07. Dead or Living 08. Leviathan 09. Sketch with Fire 10. Chemical Entertainment 11. Obscene Kiss 12. Headless Wizard 13. Whats Your Pleasure 14. Highpoint Main Title 15. Over the Edge 16. The Kendo Duel 17. Love Scene 18. Up the Stairs 19. Highfall 20. Love Theme - End Title
Hellraiser is one of those epitomal horror scores. It's a must own if you are into scores of a horrific type. In fact, I'd rank it amongst the top 5 best horror films scores (one day I'll come up with an official list).
Christopher Young always seemed to fall under the radar but he scored some hits with stuff like this, Hellbound: Hellraiser II , Nightmare on Elm Street 2, The Fly II, etc...
More recently Sam Raimi seems to have taken him under his wing and replaced Elfman to do all of the scores for his features (Elfman and Raimi had a falling out after Spider-Man 2).
TRACK LISTING: 01. Hellraiser 02. Resurrection 03. Hellbound Heart 04. The Lament Configuration 05. Reunion 06. A Quick Death 07. Seduction And Pursuit 08. In Love's Name 09. The Cenobites 10. The Rat Slice Quartet 11. Re-Resurrection 12. Uncle Frank 13. Brought On By Night 14. Another Puzzle
This is the Junkyard's biggest post yet! It took a couple of nights getting this together for your enjoyment.
First up we have the first Gremlins movie. Classic stuff. I don't even have to go into how this is a childhood classic for all of us who were kids in the 80's. The great score by the great Jerry Goldsmith didn't get a full score release. It got a measly four tracks on the official album (around 16 minutes worth of score). However this was better than nothing and of course it included the great Gremlin rag.
So here for your enjoyment is the official album release for Gremlins.
TRACK LISTING: 01. Michael Sembello - Gremlins Mega Madness 02. Quarterflash - Make It Shine 03. Peter Gabriel - Out Out 04. Jerry Goldsmith - Gift 05. Jerry Goldsmith - Gizmo 06. Jerry Goldsmith - Mrs Deagle 07. Jerry Goldsmith - Gremlin Rag
Now here is the 21 Track Bootleg Score. This is the first Gremlins Bootleg Score to be released. The sound quality is pretty good. No intrusive sound effects or anything. The only real flaw is that there is a mild hiss noise throughout the score. It's not terribly noticeable but it's obviously a bootleg and not a mastered album. But quite frankly I prefer this bootleg to anything else. The last 3 tracks are from Twilight Zone: The Movie. The only reason I'm keeping those with it is because it was a part of this bootleg for a long time and in order to escape confusion they are kept in there.
As a BONUS I added a 22nd track to the 21 Track Bootleg. It is the Gremlins Suite that Jerry Goldsmith performed on the album "Goldsmith Conducts Goldsmith".
TRACK LISTING: 01. Fanfare and Prologue (04:35) 02. Late For Work (01:46) 03. Mrs. Deagle (02:17) 04. The Gift (02:15) 05. Pop Goes The Gremlin (03:00) 06. Billy And Katey (02:53) 07. Gremlins On The Loose (01:24) 08. Mom Vs. The Gremlins (04:01) 09. Stripe Blows His Nose (01:12) 10. A Gremlin Goes Postal (00:46) 11. Deagledeagledeagle (02:21) 12. The Gremlins Attack (02:05) 13. Billy To The Rescue - A Christmas Story (03:27) 14. Movie Theatre - Explosion (02:38) 15. Hunting Stripe (03:33) 16. Gizmo Saves The Day (05:41) 17. Bye, Billy (02:57) 18. The Gremlin Rag (04:08) 19. Twilight Zone Theme (00:42) 20. It's A Good Life (10:33) 21. Overture and End Titles (06:02) 22. Gremlins Suite- From Goldsmith Conducts Goldsmith
Now, I have come across various "Complete" Gremlins soundtrack that vary from 40 to 46 tracks. I was going to post the 46 track version I found but I can't verify it at all in searches. And to be honest these "Complete" versions suck "complete" ass in sound quality. Especially when compared to the FAR superior 21 track version in 320 kbps . If I come across one of the complete soundtracks with decent quality I'll post it here but otherwise stick to the two soundtracks above.
On to the sequel folks...
This score I find to be a slightly more enjoyable listen overall. I love the original for it's old school Goldsmith style but this one is just as cinematic as scores get and of course the quality of sound here is much better to as this was an official score release. Not nearly complete mind you... but a pretty solid soundtrack that I grew up with. If any of you know of an Expanded bootleg, let me know. I included a bonus track to this one. It's the music that plays when the Brain Gremlin makes a Bat Gremlin. It was from Goldsmith's score for The Burbs.
TRACK LISTING: 01. Just You Wait 02. Gizmo Escapes 03. Leaky Faucet 04. Cute... 05. Pot Luck 06. The Visitors 07. Teenage Mutant Gremlins 08. Keep It Quiet 09. No Rats 10. Gremlin Pudding 11. New Trends 12. Gremlin Credits 13. Bonus Track- Bat Gremlin (My Skull / The Gurney From The 'Burbs)
This last download is for two albums... in it you'll find the old soundtrack for the NES Game as well as the remix album G2EP... I'm not one to listen to old school video game scores, but what I've heard of G2EP is pretty cool.
Gremlins 2 The Game TRACK LISTING:
1. Title Screen
2. Cutscene Display
3. The Office
4. Ventilation Shafts
5. T.V. Set
6. Under Pressure
7. Mr. Wing's Shop
8. Gremlin Battle
9. The Big Battle
10. Game Over
11. Stage Clear
12. Ending
G2EP TRACK LISTING: 1. Billy's Office 2. Air Ducts_Cutscene 3. Mr. Wing's Shop 4. Clamp Enterprises 5. Game Over_Genetic Lab_Level 6. Boss 7. Control Center 8. Ending_Title Screen
A lower budget sequel calls for a lower budget score. Enter Joe Renzetti. He came in with some synthesizers to fill in where Goldsmith once had an orchestra.
I love synthesized scores though. I'm a huge fan of the mood that electronic instruments can provide. Hell, John Carpenter is one of my favorite score composers.
This isn't John Carpenter by any means, but Renzetti does a fantastic job at creating a fucking creepy mood. It's not all that melodic until the End Credits but that's okay. This is one that provides some disturbing background music. Not one to put on during a get together but when in the right mood, this is good stuff.
The movie itself isn't great and isn't bad neither. I saw this in theaters when I was a wee child. It's stuck with me for some reason. It has a rather creepy atmosphere to it.
TRACK LISTING: 1. Meet the friendly window washer 2. This is my cousin Donna 3. Music lessons for the over achiever 4. When statues move 5. Skinny dipper's blues 6. We're back 7. Mirror mirror on the wall 8. Rescue me 9. Ending / End Credits
This score is a lot more in your face than the previous installment. This is more comparable to Goldsmith's Damien: Omen II what with all it's choral chanting and demonic rambunctiousness.
It's a fun score and has a high creep factor. A lot more synthy too. There was a measly 5 track version released that lasted just under 30 minutes in 1986... then Varese Sarabande released a Deluxe Edition in 2003. This is what I have for you here.
There is a 2 disc bootleg out there. I haven't a clue as to the quality of that one. But if it's any count, it will be posted one day.
As for the movie, it's just as entertaining as the first though it's not quite as good. I say this because it's obviously lacking the Spielberg flair of the original. It just doesn't feel as tight and profound as the original and perhaps a bit forced. But that's just about as critical as I can get with the film. I'm very fond of Poltergeist II for it's visceral energy and it's all out weird factor. This entry is a lot more slimy and ooey gooey. It's got a maggot man, a preacher skeleton guy, and indians.
Oh yeah... and Tangina!
TRACK LISTING: 01. The Power 02. Things 03. The Mall 04. Late Call 05. They're Back 06. Butterflies 07. The Visitor 08. Wild Braces 09. Leave Us Alone 10. The Smoke 11. The Worm 12. Back to Cuesta Verde 13. Reaching Out 14. Carol Anne's Theme
One of the greatest horror film scores ever... I present to you the out of print film soundtrack for "Poltergeist" by the great Jerry Goldsmith.
This is one of my all time favorite horror film scores. There's not a track on here I don't find repeatable. It's an ultimate. The very creepy yet beautiful main theme is only one of the many memorable elements amongst this score. Every note hits home. This movie came out a week after I was born. The week before, E.T. The Extraterrestrial came out on the day I was born.
I love this movie. I love this score! It still has the power to make you jump out of your seat.
TRACK LISTING:01. The Star Spangled Banner 02. The Calling/The Neighborhood (Main Title) 03. The Tree (Outtake) 04. The Clown/They're Here/Broken Glass/The Hole/... 05. Twisted Abduction 06. Contacting The Other Side 07. The Light 08. Night Visitor/No Complaints 09. It Knows What Scares You 10. Rebirth 11. Night Of The Beast 12. Escape From Suburbia 13. Carol Anne's Theme (End Title)
I don't think I've seen this film in it's entirety since being a little boy. It's one of those I always never got around to finishing for one reason or the other.
Craig Safan actually scored one of my favorite films, "Fade To Black". I covered the song "Heroes Have No Right To Die" from the end credits. I chatted with him through email a bit but he didn't let me know his feelings on the cover. I'm not sure he liked it...
Anyways, I haven't listened to this in it's entirety yet but I plan on it. I have heard segments on XM Radio's Cinemagic but that's it. From what I hear though, it's good stuff...
The official release by Intrada contained around 48 minutes of music and the Southern Cross official release contained 30 minutes of music. Both go for around $100.
The bootleg offered here has about 62 minutes of music. Free.
1. Main Title (2:35). 2. Alex Dreams (1:46). 3. Breaking The World Record (2:30). 4. Centauri Into Space (6:01). 5. Rylos (2:04). 6. Morphing Into Alex (0:47). 7. Gunstar Docking Bay (0:43). 8. Victory or Death (0:56). 9. Xur's Threat (2:32). 10. The Frontier (0:29). 11. Xur's Sceptre; Under Attack (2:10). 12. Back Home (1:53) 13. Beta Unit (0:35). 14. The Drifter (0:33). 15. Xandur Xan (0:57). 16. Centauri Dies (6:54). 17. Target Practice (2:17). 18. Alex's First Test (2:52). 19. Xandur-Cop (0:31). 20. Beta's Sacrifice (6:10). 21. Let's Do it (0:48). 22. Death Blossom: Ultimate Weapon (4:47) 23. Big Victory March: Alex Returns (5:46) 24. Into The Starscape (7:22)
With the announcement of Legendary Pictures producing a new american Godzilla film I felt it was necessary to post this rare score for the original American Godzilla in the Junkyard.
The original album for the 1998 film "Godzilla" just contained 2 tracks of score and the rest were songs featured in the film or inspired by the film.
There was a 15 track score promo as well which was very hard to find.
Then La La Land Records released a complete 2 disc limited edition in 2007 that was limited to 3000 copies. This is one of the most complete official soundtrack releases you will find for any movie. A job well done. This is one of my favorite David Arnold scores. Brassy and bombastic, this is a true action score. Finally, all the cues I loved and found missing on the promo are available here.
As for the movie itself, it's garnered a lot more flak than I feel it deserved. At the time I loved it, and I've been a Big G fan all of my life. I pretty much knew from the beginning that Godzilla would be a different creation but I liked the way they kept a lot of his trademarks (spikes, familiar roar etc.). Nowadays I don't feel I defend it as much because I can envision a darker take that truly embraces the force of nature that was Godzilla in the first film. Godzilla 1998 was a summer popcorn movie. Nothing more, nothing less. On that level I feel the movie succeeded. But compared to the effectiveness of later big monster movies like Cloverfield and War of the Worlds I can see where the Big G shouldn't be given popcorn movie glossover and treated as something meaner and grittier. Godzilla that's not just a big lizard but a monster with an attitude. I'd like to see that. Hopefully Legendary Pictures can give us something on that level.
The Beginning (03:29)
Tanker Gets It (01:11)
Chernobyl (03:13)
Footprint (00:33)
Footprints / New York / Audrey (00:54)
Chewing Gum Nose (00:30)
Ship Reveal / Nick Discovers Fish / Flesh (01:39)
The Boat Gets It* (02:09)
Dawn Of The Species (01:49)
Joe Gets a Bite / Godzilla Arrives (03:11)
Mayor's Speech (01:03)
Caiman's Office (00:45)
Animal's Camera (01:39)
Military Command Center / New Jersey (01:55)
Audrey's Idea (00:22)
Evacuation (02:41)
French Coffee (00:56)
Subway Damage / Command Enters City (02:50)
Fish (01:48)
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner? (05:13)
1st Helicopter Chase / Godzilla Swats A Chopper (04:08)
We Fed Him / Audrey Sees Nick (01:21)
Nick And Audrey / He's Pregnant / Audrey Takes The Tape / French Breakfast (04:46)
He's Preparing To Feed (00:34)
Nick Gets Fired / Nick Gets Abducted / Frenchie'sWarehouse / Nick Joins The Foreign Legion (05:47)